Kur'an ve Arapça Eğitimi

تعليم القران الكريم واللغة العربية

Role of the Prophet

The prophet’s sole mission was to deliver Quran, the whole Quran and nothing but Quran .

Ali –Imran 19,20

The only religion in the sight of God is Islam (submission). The followers of the previous scripture have disputed this Quran, even after realizing that it is divine truth, due to sheer resentment. Those who reject God’s revelations have deserved God’s severe retribution.

If they argue with you, then say, “I have simply submitted to God, and so do my followers.” And say to the followers of previous scriptures, as well as the gentiles, “Have you submitted?” If they submit, then they are guided, but if they turn away, then your sole mission is to deliver the message. God is seer of His true servants.



Al –Maidah 49,92,99

You shall judge among them according to God’s scripture, and do not follow their ideas, and beware lest they divert you from some of God’s revelations to you. If they turn away, then you should know that God wants to punish them for their sins. Indeed, many people are wicked.

You shall obey God, and obey the messenger, and beware. If you turn away, then you should know that the sole function of our messenger is to deliver the message.

The sole function of the messenger is to deliver the message, and God knows what you declare, and what you conceal.


Al Anaam 19

Say, “whose testimony is greater?” Say, “God is the witness between me and you. This Quran has been revealed to me in order to preach to you therewith, and whomever it reaches. Indeed, you bear witness that there are other gods besides God.” Say, “I do not bear such witness.” Say, “there is only one God, and I disown the idols you set up.”


Al Nahl 35

Those who practice idol worship would say, “If it is God’s will, we would not idolize any thing, nor would our parents, and we would not prohibit any thing besides His prohibitions.” Others before them have done same thing. Is it not the sole duty of the messengers to deliver the message?


Al Nahl 82

If they still turn away, then your sole mission is to deliver the message.


Al noor 54

Say, “Obey God and obey the messenger.” If you turn away, then the messenger is responsible for his actions, and you are responsible for your actions. If you obey him, you will be guided. The messenger’s sole mission is to deliver the message.


Al –Ankaboot 18

If you disbelieve, so did many generations before you. The messenger’s sole mission is to deliver (the message).


Al –Shoora 48

If they turn away, we have not sent you as their guardian. Your sole mission is to deliver this message. Whenever we endow the humans with mercy from us, they turn joyful, but when adversity befalls them, as a consequence of their own deeds, they turn unappreciative.


Al –taghaabun 12

You shall obey God and obey the messenger. If you turn away, then our messenger’s only duty is to deliver (the message)


Muhammed’s Mission and Wish was to deliver the Quran, the whole Quran, and nothing but the Quran. The Muslims, however fell in the same satanic trap as the Jews and invented the hadith and sunna as additional sources that can be made to conform to the various traditions, customs, and superstitions. The Jewish Mishnah corresponds to hadith and the Gemara corresponds to sunna. Many Muslim scholars and their followers today have gone as far as stating that “hadith” abrogates the Quran ! Hence, the prophet Muhammed’s disappointment on the day of judgment as stated in verse 30 . It is extremely significant that the words of verse 31 are identical to those dealing with the inventors of “hadith”


Al –Furkan 30,31

The messenger will say, “My Lord, my people have deserted this Quran.”


We thus appointed for every prophet enemies from among the guilty, and God suffices as guide and protector.


It is an historical fact that the prophet Muhammad instructed his followers to take from him only Quran, and nothing but Quran, as evidenced by the fact that the first two centuries of Islam witnessed no “Hadith.” Ironically, this historical fact is recorded in some of the most prominent books of Hadith. A Hadith reported in the book of Muslim, where the prophet is reported to have said, “Do not write from me except Quran. Any one wrote anything else shall erase it.” The same document shows that Imam Ahmad Ben Hanbal, the most strict imam of jurisprudence, reported in his “Ishaah” that this order by the prophet was never changed.

One time the famous revelation writer Zeid Ben Thabit, also known as the prophet’s secretary, was visiting muaawiyah. During the conversation, Zeid mentioned something the prophet has said. Muaawiyah liked the story and ordered someone to write it down. But Zeid said, “The Prophet ordered us not to write anything from him except Quran.” Muaawiyah then ordered the story erased. Thus the early Muslims, for 250 years, obeyed the prophet and respected his wishes. The first disobedience of the prophet was committed by Bukhaary, who was born some two centuries after Hijrah.


Satan’s pledge to mislead the believers proved successful against the Jews, Christians and Muslims. Thus a few centuries after Moses, the “scholars” of Israel invented the the Mishnah (oral) and Gemarah (traditions) to constitute Talmoud and replace the Torah. Today, the Jews follow the Talmoud instead of God’s divine scripture. The same thing happened to the Muslims. A few centuries after Muhammad, the “scholars” of Islam invented “Hadith” (oral) and Sunna (traditions) to replace Quran. Today, the Muslims follow the Hadith and Sunna instead of Quran.


A few centuries after Jesus, the “scholars” of Christianity met in the conferences of Nicene and invented the trinity. Today, the trinity is the basic doctrine followed by the Christians, in total defiance of the Bible’s truth. The Bible preaches clearly that Jesus is not God ( see the Gospel of Mark 10:18 and 15:34) and he was simply a messenger of God (see John 5:24 and Revelation 1:1)

The false believers will be attracted to the false inventions and will accept them as sources of religious instruction. They will reject God’s scripture, even though it is “fully detailed”


Al –Anaam 113,114

(This is God’s will) in order that the minds of those who do not really believe in the hereafter may listen thereto, and accept it, and to have them commit what they are supposed to commit.

Shall I seek other than God as a source of law, when He revealed to you this book fully detailed? Even those who received previous scripture recognize that it came down from your Lord, truthfully. Therefore you shall not harbor any doubt.


We learn from Quran that “every prophet will have enemies who will fabricate fancy statements (hadith) and attribute them to the prophet”


Al –Anaam 112

Additionally we have appointed for every prophet enemies from among the human devils and jinn devils who invent the narrate to each other fancy words in order to deceive. Had your Lord willed they would not have done it. You shall disregard them and their inventions.


Al –Furqan 31

We thus appointed for every prophet enemies from among the guilty, and God suffices as guide and protector.


There is no doubt that we must obey God and the messenger. But, identity of the messenger is confused by the false believers. They identify the messenger with the false teachings invented by the enemies. However , the true identity of the prophet is defined in Quran. We are told that the messenger is fully represented by Quran, and nothing but Quran.




Isra (Beni Israel) 73,74,75

They almost diverted you (Muhammad) from our revelations to you, and pressured you to invent something else. In that case, they would have considered you a friend.

If it were not that we strengthened you, you almost leaned towards them a little bit.

Had you done so, we would have doubled the punishment for you in this life, and after death, and you would have found no helper against us.


To justify their attraction to the false teachings, the followers of hadith claim that the Quran is too difficult to understand, and prophet’s hadith is needed to explain the Quran. The fact is that the Quran is a lot easier to understand than the majority of hadith. However, because they reject the Quran’s assurances that it is complete and perfect, God makes the Quran inaccessible to them.


Al –Kahf 57

Who is more evil than one who is reminded of his Lord’s revelations, then he turns away there from, paying no attention to what he commits. Consequently, we place on their hearts shields, to prevent them from understanding this Quran, and in their ears deafness. Therefore, when you invite them to the guidance, they can never be guided.


Al –Anaam 114

Shall I seek other than God as a source of law, which he revealed to you this book fully detailed? Even those who received previous scripture recognize that it came down from your Lord, truthfully. Therefore, you shall not harbor any doubt.


Furthermore, God tells the prophet not to utter anything other than Quran itself, when it comes to “explanation” of Quran, and that God Himself will axplain the Quran.

Ta Ha 114

Most exalted is God, the true king. Do not hasten to utter the Quran (O Muhammad), before you are ordered to reveal it, and say, “My Lord, increase my knowledge.


Al –Qiyaamah 16,17,18,19

Do not move your tongue (O Muhammad) to hasten this revelation.

We are in charge of putting it together into Quran.

Once we recite it, you shall follow this Quran.

Then, it is we who will explain it.


In order to justify there attraction to Hadith and sunna, the false Muslims claim that these blasphemous inventions are divine revelations. However, the Quran teaches us the God’s revelations will be perfectly protected from the slightest distortions.


Al –Hijr 9

Surely, we sent down this message, and surely we will preserve it.


It is well known that the vast majority of hadith and sunna are recognized by the hadith advocates themselves as false.

The false Muslim consistently abuse Quran. One of their favorite statements is: “What the messenger gives you, you shal take it, and what he forbid you, you shall abstain from.” The god means, “Any instructions attriputed to the messenger you shall follow, and whatever he forbids you, you shall leave.”

Another favorite quotation to justify their idol worship against the Prophet’s will is :


Al –Ahzaab 56

God and his angles honor the prophet, O you who believe, you shall honor him and regard him as he should be regarded.

They are ignorant of the fact 43 of the same sura:

Al –Ahzaab 43

He and His angels honor you, in order to lead you out of the darkness into the light. He showers His mercy upon the believers.


Al –Najm 3

He does not speak on his own.


Those who are knowledgeable read the whole sura and discover that this statement refer to Quran.


Because God is fully aware of the human plague of idol worship and warning us against idolizing the prophet.


Al –Kahf 110

Say (O Muhammad), “I am no more than a human being like you. It was revealed to me that your God is one God. Therefore whoever looks forward to meeting his Lord shall lead a righteous life, and never idolize anyone besides his Lord.


We are told that Muhammad’s only miracle was the Quran.




Al –Ankaboot 50,51

They said, “How come no miracles were sent down to him from his Lord?” Say, “The miracles come only from God, and I am no more than a warner,”

Is it not enough of a miracle that we sent down to you this scripture, which is being recited to them? Indeed, it is a mercy and a message for those who believe.


The sure bellow, informs us that even if the Prophet Muhammad had made an error in delivering Quran, be it deliberate or unintentional, God would have erased the wrong and substituted the correct words.


Al –Shoora 24

If they claim that you fabricated some lies and attributed them to God, then God is able to seal your heart, erase any falsehood, and reestablish the truth with His words. He is fully aware of the innermost intentions.


Quran : An Uncommon Book

Beni Israel 45,46

When you read the Quran, we place between you and those who do not believe in the hereafter an invisible barrier. And we place on their hearts shields to prevent them from understanding it, and in their ears deafness. And when you mention your Lord (alone) in the Quran alone, they run away in aversion.


Al –Kahf 57

Who is more evil than one is reminded of his Lord’s revelations, then he turns away therefrom, paying no attention to what he commits. Consequently, we place on their hearts shields, to prevent them from understanding this Quran, and in their ears deafness. Therefore, when you invite them to the guidance, they can never be guided.


Therefore, those who refuse to accept the Quran alone as a sorce of religious regulations are completely isolated, by God Himself, from who reject the Quranic truth, such as the completeness of Quran, will be completely prevented from Quran, because of their wickedness. Consequently, no matter what you do to guide them, they will never be guided.


The only reason the Muslims are divided into various sects is that some of them advocate other than the Quran, specifically, “hadith” and “sunna” as sources of low. The Quran calls these people idol worshipers, as we se in vers 31. Throughout the Quran, we are reminded that we shall adhere to Quran, the whole Quran, and nothing but the Quran. Ironically, those who claim to love the prophet, yet disobey him by inventing and advocating “hadith” and “sunna” are disowned by the prophet.

Al –Room 31,32

You shall all submit to God, beware of Him, observe the salat prayers, and never fall into idol worship.

Do not be with those who divided their religion into sects, each party satisfied with what they have.


The Quran teaches us that those who advocate hadith are false Muslems who have disobeyed the prophet and rejected God’s revelations






Luqmaan 6

Some people uphold vain hadith in order to divert others from the bath of God without knowledge, and to create a mockery out of it. These have deserved humiliating retribution.


Idol worship is defined as a “gross offence”, rather than a sin. It is far worse than any sin. The Quran teaches us that God forgives all sins, while idol worship is the only unforgivable offense

Luqmaan 13

Luqmaan said to his son as he enlightened him, “O my son, do not set up any idol besides God, idol worship is a gross offence.


Yet some people claim that the Quran is not complete. This verse teaches us that God has given us all the words we need. Those who seek other than Quran as a sorce of law, flatly reject God’s revelations.


Luqmaan 27

If all the trees on earth were made into pens and the ocean multiplied sevenfold, supplied the ink, God will never run out of words. God is almighty wise.


Al –Kahf 109,110

Say, “If the ocean was ink for the words of my Lord, the ocean would run out before the words of my Lord run out, even if we double the ink supply.

Say (O Muhammad), “I am no more than a human being like you. It was revealed to me that your God is one God. Therefore, whoever looks forward to meeting his Lord shall lead a righteous life, and never idolize anyone besides his Lord.


These two verses teach us that there is no shortage of words as far as God is concerned, and therefore, the Quran contains everything we need. Any thing left out, such as the way to sleep or the way to eat etc. is therefore up to us and our personal preference. We also learn that Muhammad is not more than a human being like us, and that following the inventions attributed to him, or even his personal opinions, is idol worship.


Al – Ankaboot 68,69

Who is more wicked than one who invents lies about God, or rejects the truth when it comes to him ? Is hell not well deserved by the disbelievers ?

As for those who strive towards us, we will surely guide them to our paths, God is always with the righteous.


The advocates and followers of “hadith” and “sunna” are committing both evils, they reject the Quran’s assertions that it is complete and perfect and invent lies about God when they claim that “Hadith” and “Sunna” are divine revelations.


Al –Anaam 19

Say, “Whose testimony is greater?” Say, “God is the witness between me and you. This Quran has been revealed to me in order to preach to you therewith, and whomever it reaches. Indeed, you bear witness that there are other gods besides God.” Say, “I do not bear such witness.” Say, “There is only one God, and I disown the idols you set up.”


Al –Anaam 21

Who is more wicked than those who invent lies, then attribute them to God, or reject His revelations? Indeed, the wicked never succeed.


Al –Anaam 48

We do not send the messengers except as preachers and warners. Then, whoever believes and leads a righteous life will have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.



Hadith and Sunna : The Great Test to Distinguish True Muslims From False Muslims


Al –Anaam 112,113,114,115,116,117

Additionally , we have appointed for every prophet enemies from among the human deviles and jinn devils, who invent and narrate to each other fancy words in order to deceive. Had your Lord willed, they would not have done it. You shall disregard them and their inventions.

(This is God’s will) in order that the minds 0f those who do not really believe in the hereafter may listen thereto, and accept it, and to have them commit what they are supposed to commit.

Shall I seek other than God as a source of law, when He revealed to you this book fully detailed? Even those who received previous scripture recognize that it came down from your Lord, truthfully. Therefore, you shall not harbor any doubt.

The word of your Lord is complete, in truth and justice. Nothing shall abrogate His words. He is the hearer, the knower.

If you obey the majority of people on earth, they will divert you from the path of God. They only follow conjecture, and they only guess.

Indeed, your Loard knows best who has strayed from His path, and He knows best who are the guided ones.


God teaches us in these verses that the inventions of “Hadith” and “Sunna” was designed to distinguish the true Muslims from the false Muslims. The true Muslims uphold the Quran, the whole Quran, and nothing but the Quran.

Unfortunately, the majority of Muslims have flunked the “Hadith” test. Instead of following the proven revelations of God, they follow what is conjectured to be the prophet’s utterances and actions. Thus, they disobey God and the prophet by following the “Hadith” guesswork .


Al –Anaam 148

The ıdol worshipers would say, “Had God willed, we would not have idolized anything, nor our ancestors, and we would not have prohibited anything. “Thus did those before them disbelieve, until they suffered our retribution. Say, “Do you have any knowledge that you can show us? You only follow conjecture, and you only guess.


Long lists of unauthorized prohibitions are found in the inventions called “Hadith”and “Sunna” which are not more than conjecture and guesswork.


Since there is only one Quran, there should be one Islam, and one Islamic congregation.

The Quran is fully detailed, and needs no further explanation. Moreover,God Himself has informed us that only He will explain the Quran, as He puts it in the hearts of those worthy of it.

When the false Muslims who follow “Hadith” and “Sunna” are faced with the Quranic reality that the Quran shall be the sole source of religious knowledge, their favorite argument is, “If the Quran complete, where is the description of salat prayers?” . This famous question reveals their ignorance and isolation from Quran. Thet are obviously unaware of the Quran’s statements that salat was originally revealed to Abraham, then transmitted to us generation after generation, and that Muhammad prayed according to the religion of Abraham, Islam, before he Muhammad, was appointed a messenger.



Al –Araaf 52

We had given them a fully detailed scripture, with knowledge, guidance and mercy for those who believe.


There is a great parallel between the followers of Moses, and the followers of Muhammad. This explains the fact that the history of Israel is narrated in such detail, and in such frequency throughout the Quran. The parallel becomes incredibly manifest when the reader notes that the followers of Moses invented the Mishnah (oral) and gemarah (traditions) to overtake God’s scripture, the Torah. The Muslims invented hadith (oral) and sunna (traditions) to overtake Quran. Thus, both groups fell into idol worship in an almost identical manner.


Quran is the only “Hadith”



Al -Araaf 185

Have they not seen the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all the things that God created? Does it ever occur to them that the end of their life may be near at hand? In which “hadith” (narration) other than this do they believe in?


Those who obey God and His messenger uphold the Quran. On the other hand, those who advocate “Hadith” and “Sunna” disobey God and disobey the prophet and idolize him against his will, just like the Christians who idolize Jesus and claim that they love him. When you tell the average Christian that Jesus was not God, he or she will accuse you of blasphemy against Jesus. However, just as Jesus will disown those who love him too much, Muhammad will disown those who claim to love him.


Quran Rectifies Previous Deviations

Al –Tawbah 30,31

The Jews said that Ezra was the son of God, while the Christians said that Christ was the son of God. Such is their utterance with their mouths, resembling the utterances of the pagans. God has condemned them , how could they deviate!

They have taken their priests and rabbis as lords besides God, as well as Christ the son of Mary. They were commanded not to worship but the one God, there is no god except He, much too glorious to have partners.




Greatness of God